
Only great systematic changes can make prolonged and sustainable improvement in the field of world's toughest problems requiring our help. And people are behind everything, so in order to make such a change and help those who need it, thinking of people who can help has to be changed.
The A2M (Aid AutoMagically) system does so by motivating people to learn about others problems, educating them about these problems and also provides them with a mean to help financially. It is comprised of two main parts that complement each other to offer a complete and sustainable solution.


First part, called WOWI (World of Web Information), educates the people who have the means to help the other, less fortunate ones, so that they recognize the most serious problems and are aware of organizations and groups that struggle to solve them. WOWI is a universal software solution able to present almost any data in the form of a mathematical graph structure, enriching the presentation itself by game-like elements and social context.
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In par with WOWI works the second part, called Rounder. It suggests a new way of help that is more available and effective than the currently existing ones. Rounder allows people to donate money and hereby help any humanitarian organization while they are paying by credit or debit card for their regular shopping with the simple act of rounding up the sum. The user can round up the amount being paid by pressing one button on the POS terminal and this sum is then transferred to the organization of users long or short term choice.
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Team: SOuLVERS    Email: icup_fiit2009 [at]